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Flourishing Fundamentals
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How to Open Procreate Files on the iPad (7:39)
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25 Ways to Flourish
25 ways to flourish a
25 ways to flourish b
25 ways to flourish c
25 ways to flourish d
The Complete Workbook PDF
Blank Guide Sheets
0. Introduction to Flourishing
0.1 What is Flourishing? (3:50)
0.2 The 5 Best Spots to Flourish (2:21)
0.3 Top 3 Tips for Flourishing (3:23)
1. Drills
Module 1 Workbook
1.1 Basic Shapes and Drills (14:25)
2. Base Flourishes: Stem Loops
Module 2 Workbook
2.1 Ascending Stem Loops (17:57)
2.2 Descending Stem Loops (15:16)
2.3 Stem Loop Review and Examples (20:11)
3. Base Flourishes: Mid-word, End-word, and t-crossbars
Module 3 Workbook
3.1 Mid-Word Base Flourish (8:26)
3.2 Mid-Word Flourish Examples (8:10)
3.3 End of Word Base Flourish (18:33)
3.4 End-Word Examples (7:42)
3.5 t- Crossbars (11:02)
4. Base Flourish Review & Examples
Module 4 Workbook
4.1 Review & Create Template (3:37)
4.2 Base Flourish Word Examples, part 1 (17:37)
4.3 Base Flourish Word Examples, part 2 (16:25)
5. Complex Flourishes: Adding Loops & Cusps
Module 5 Workbook
5.1 Complex Drills (19:30)
5.2 Adding Loops & Cusps, Part 1 (11:32)
5.3 Adding Loops & Cusps, Part 2 (8:49)
6. Complex Flourishes: Extending the Endpoint
Module 6 Workbook
6.1: Intro to Extending the Endpoint (4:45)
6.2: Extending the Endpoint, Part 1a (11:48)
6.3: Extending the Endpoint, Part 1b (13:17)
6.4: Extending the Endpoint, Part 2a (12:34)
6.5: Extending the Endpoint, Part 2b (10:12)
7. Complex Flourish Review & Examples
Module 7 Workbook
7.1 Complex Flourish Review (6:24)
7.2 Combining the Concepts (5:15)
7.3 Complex Flourish Word Examples, pt. 1 (15:01)
7.4 Complex Flourish Word Examples, pt. 2 (15:34)
Complex Flourish Summary (Reference Sheet)
8. Composition
Module 8 Workbook
8.1 Layout Example 1 (13:06)
8.2 Layout Example 2 (7:44)
8.3 Layout Example 3 (13:27)
Bonus Resources
Bonus: Which Letters to Flourish? (Cheat Sheet)
Bonus: Double Descenders (21:45)
Bonus: Large Brush Pen Flourishing (7:01)
Capitals: Lightly Flourished Copperplate
Capitals: "No Lift Majuscules"
Course Wrap-Up
"After" Picture
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0.2 The 5 Best Spots to Flourish
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