We’ve helped over 400 students learn Copperplate calligraphy since 2018. Now, we’ve designed a new printable practice workbook to help you...

  • Build a strong foundation with Copperplate fundamentals
  • Refine your control for smoother, more elegant strokes
  • Master the alphabet with step-by-step guided practice

👉 Look inside the workbook here

The 48-page printable workbook includes:

✔️ 9 pages of fundamental strokes practice

✔️ 13 pressure control drills and 6 consistency exercises

✔️ Alphabet exemplars for lowercase and capitals

✔️ Breakdowns for all letters in alphabetical order

✔️ Traceable examples & extra practice space

✔️ Bonuses: Lowercase variations, numbers, basic flourishing, and tricky connections

Please note: This is a digital workbook file for you to print at home. No physical copy will be shipped to you. Personal use only.

Get instant access to our printable Copperplate Practice workbook at the purple button above.

If you'd like to sign up for our full online course including video tutorials, find out more here.

Happy lettering,

-Jordan and Jillian, founders of Loveleigh Loops